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SHEIN will produce parts in SC for sale in Brazil and abroad
Release time:2023-09-11
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On the 5th of September, the governor of Santa Catarina, Jorginho Mello met with SHEIN's Director of External Relations, Anna Beatriz Lima. The meeting formalized the production of parts in Santa Catarina, in partnership with local companies. Initially, dozens of companies in the textile sector were mapped by SHEIN to enable this work.

For governor Jorginho Mello, it is an opportunity to open markets for micro and small companies. “A company of this scale is capable of promoting and providing exponential sales for companies in Santa Catarina. It will transform Santa Catarina’s production chain of small and micro-enterprises, giving them the opportunity to sell to the world.”

The company representative highlighted the potential of Santa Catarina. “We recognize the state’s productive capacity and textile vocation. By 2026 we want to reach other countries with production from Santa Catarina.”

(Source: Tnsul)