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Brazilian regulatory agency Anatel begins installing fiber optics in Amazonian rivers
Release time:2023-08-04
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On the 1st of August, the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) began the implementation of three fiber optic networks out of a total of eight that form part of the Norte Conectado Programme.

The program aims to install 12,000 kilometers of fiber in the beds of rivers in the Amazon - Rios Negro, Solimões, Puruá, Madeira, Juruá and Branco. The infovias will pass through 59 cities where 10 million people live. In all, there will be R$1.5 billion in investments.

The sections of the next three infovias are 2,300 kilometers long and will carry underwater cables manufactured by the Chinese ZTT Submarine Cable & System. This mountain of cables left China and arrived in Brazil through the Port of Manaus at the end of July.

(Source: UOL)