Member Countries
Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries
Release time:2022-04-10
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The Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao) was successfully held online on April 10, 2022, by the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) with the cooperation of the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao). The online Meeting was held simultaneously via Macao and Beijing. The China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Commercial and Trade Service Platform Complex in Macao was the main venue.

The opening ceremony began with a speech via video link, by the Premier of the State Council of China, Mr Li Keqiang, in which he congratulated Forum Macao for its achievements before wishing the Meeting every success. Mr Li put forward proposals for boosting ties between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries. He also called for all member countries to defend peace and stability, and to promote development and prosperity, as well as broaden solidarity and cooperation, in order to overcome the pandemic as soon as possible. He also called for them to adhere to openness and cooperation in order to drive economic recovery.

High-level representatives of the governments of the eight Portuguese-speaking Countries also made speeches via video link. They included: the Prime Minister of Cabo Verde, Mr José Ulisses Correia e Silva; the Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau, Mr Nuno Gomes Nabiam; the Prime Minister of Mozambique, Mr Adriano Afonso Maleiane; the Prime Minister of Portugal, Mr António Costa; the Prime Minister of São Tomé and Príncipe, Mr Jorge Lopes Bom Jesus; the Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, Mr Taur Matan Ruak; the Vice-President of Brazil, Mr Antônio Hamilton Martins Mourão; and the Minister of State for Economic Coordination of Angola, Mr Manuel Nunes Júnior. The high-level representatives highlighted the important role played, and the significant results achieved, by Forum Macao. They also shared constructive and valuable recommendations and suggestions regarding Forum Macao’s development, while raising high expectations regarding continued growth in economic and trade cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries in various sectors, within the framework of Forum Macao.

After the opening ceremony, the Chief Executive of the Macao SAR, Mr Ho Iat Seng, and the Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao SAR, Mr Fu Ziying, held the Unveiling Ceremony of the Plaque of the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Exchange Centre for Epidemic Prevention. The formal establishment of the China-Portuguese-speaking Countries Exchange Centre for Epidemic Prevention aims to take advantage of Macao’s unique, close connection with the Portuguese-speaking Countries. This is in order to strengthen cooperation in the health sector between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, via various training and exchange activities, and jointly to enhance the capacity to respond to pandemics, as well as contribute to worldwide public health endeavours, and the construction of a “Global Community of Health for All”.

During the Meeting, China’s Minister of Commerce, Mr Wang Wentao, as well as the representatives of the governments of the Portuguese–speaking Countries responsible for Forum Macao affairs, delivered speeches on ways to boost pandemic prevention exchanges, and promoting economic recovery in a post-pandemic era. All parties agreed to strengthen dialogue on cooperation against the pandemic, and on post-pandemic economic recovery, in order to combine efforts in the fight against COVID-19, in pursuit of mutual gains and prosperity. In addition, the participating members called for greater dynamism in Macao’s key role as a platform, including cooperation in the fight against the pandemic.

The representatives of the participating countries signed the Joint Declaration of the Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting, and issued a declaration approving the official accession of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea as the 10th member country of Forum Macao.

More than 100 participants in different places, including high-level government representatives, officials from the authorities of the participating countries, the diplomatic corps of the Portuguese-speaking Countries accredited in China, as well as media and representatives of various sectors, attended the meeting and its related activities.