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Abrapa receives group of Chinese agricultural inputs industrialists
Release time:2023-08-11
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On the 4th and 5th of August, a group of 40 Chinese industrialists, producers of pesticides and agricultural fertilizers was in Brazil on a mission supported by the Brazilian Association of Cotton Producers (Abrapa), participating in the 1st China-Brazil Meeting for Food and Fibre Production.

At the center of the debates, the interdependence between the two countries - Brazil as one of the main suppliers of food to the Chinese market and China as the origin of more than 70% of the active ingredients of pesticides and fertilizers used in Brazilian agriculture.

The purpose of the meeting was to draw the federal government's attention to the speed of Chinese technological evolution in the production of new molecules and the urgent need to modernize the Brazilian regulatory system so that the country can take advantage of innovations, including bio-inputs.

(Source: Notícias Agrícolas)