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Portuguese-Speaking Countries Business Confederation Names China Representative
Release time:2023-08-10
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The Portuguese Speaking Countries Community Business Confederation (CE-CPLP) named Macau renowned businessman Wu Zhiwei as its first special representative to China, establishing a permanent office in Macau.

After various consultations and recent visit of the CE-CPLP Executive Commission delegation headed by its President to the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Portugal, Zhao Bentang, Macau businessman and Vice-President of the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC), Wu Zhiwei, took office at a Summer event of CE-CPLP on August 3rd.

Wu stressed in his speech that “the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is the most open and economically dynamic in China”.

“Regionally, Macao is one of the cores of the Greater Bay Area. Macao has the positioning of a centre, a platform, and a base. Enterprises from Portuguese-speaking countries can take advantage of Macao’s unique platform to go out”, Wu said.

(Fonte: CLbrief)