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Beijing again allows organized travel to four Portuguese-speaking African countries
Release time:2023-08-14
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On the 10th of August, China included Equatorial Guinea, Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe, Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP), in the list of the third-batch outbound group tour destinations.

The decision, announced by the Asian country's Ministry of Tourism and Culture, covers a total of 78 countries, in addition to the 60 included in the first two batches.

Destinations popular with international travellers, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, will once again be available to Chinese tourists travelling in organized groups.

In early February, Beijing re-allowed group tourism to 20 countries, including destinations such as Thailand or Indonesia. Portugal was included in the second batch, approved in the following month, as well as Brazil, France and Spain.

(Source: Hoje Macau)