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ANPG promoted bidding for 12 oil blocks in China
Release time:2023-08-16
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A few days ago, the National Agency of Petroleum, Gas and Biofuels (ANPG) promoted in Beijing, China, the second roadshow on the bidding of the 12 oil blocks of the Kwanza and Congo onshore basins, which will be on bidding from the 30th of September, as well as 14 blocks that are in Permanent Offer Regime.

The Angolan Minister of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas, Diamantino Azevedo invited Chinese businessmen to invest in the national oil sector, which has adopted several actions to attract foreign investment in this sector.

In turn, ANPG's national director of negotiations, Alcides Andrade, considered that China is the largest recipient of Angola's oil exports. "We intend, with this interaction, to increase the presence of the Chinese business community that invests in the oil sector, more specifically in the exploration and production of oil in our country," he said.

(Source: Forbes Lusophone Africa)