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Angola continues to strengthen cooperation with China in agriculture
Release time:2024-07-24
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A multisectoral team, headed by the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry, António Francisco de Assis, as well as the ambassador of the People's Republic of China accredited in Angola, Zhang Bin, was evaluating in Cacuso, in the province of Malanje. These investments are being applied in the agricultural domain.

After highlighting the potential of the province of Malanje in the agricultural field, the Chinese ambassador added that there is already a solid part of cooperation, as there are ten farms in that province under Chinese management.

China's ambassador to Angola, Zhang Bin, considered that the pig farming project could be the largest cooperation between China and Angola. In turn, the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Rui Miguêns, said that the project visit will introduce a significant quantity of pigs into the national market.

(Source: Jornal de Angola, on July 22)