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Águas Lindas receives Canal Expresso Brazil-China Industrial Hub
Release time:2024-07-08
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The municipality's first industrial hub, the Brazil-China Express Channel, was launched in Águas Lindas de Goiás with the signing of an international protocol that provides for an investment of approximately US$ 100 million.

According to the city council, in addition to investments of Chinese origin, with the installation of three different manufacturing parks (electric tricycle production, monitoring bracelets and Drones for agricultural use), two national industries will also be installed, linked to the production of inputs for civil construction and electrical materials.

“This is the starting point for us to achieve the municipality’s economic independence, generating jobs and income,” said Mayor Lucas Antonietti.

According to the municipality's Economic Development Secretary, Nilton Castilho, 15 of the 60 modules will be allocated to companies in China. The forecast is to create 2,000 direct jobs.

(Source: GOIAS.GOV.BR, on July 5)