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Ford sells Camaçari plant to Bahia government
Release time:2023-08-16
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Ford sold its factory at the Camaçari Automotive Hub (BA) to the Bahian government. The reversion agreement was signed on the 11th of August and the value of the sale was not disclosed.

With the sale of the land, the government of Bahia can move forward in negotiations with BYD. At the end of July, the Chinese automaker announced that it intends to invest R$3 billion by setting up three factories in the state that will create 5,000 jobs.

BYD said, one of the units will be dedicated to the production of chassis for electric buses and trucks. The other will manufacture hybrid and electric cars, with an estimated capacity of 150,000 units per year in the first phase, with the possibility of doubling production. This will be the company's first electric car plant on the American continent. The third unit will process lithium and iron phosphate to serve the foreign market.

(Source: Agência Brasil)