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Chinese company visits Fiemt
Release time:2024-06-20
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On June 13, the Federation of Industries of Mato Grosso (FIEMT) received representatives from the Chinese company Bioperfectus, which specializes in medical diagnostics for humans and animals and other solutions in the health area.

The main aim of the visit was to explore the region's potential for possible expansion of the company's business in Brazil. With headquarters in China and subsidiaries in Hong Kong, the United States, the United Kingdom and Indonesia, Bioperfectus is now looking to expand its operations in the Brazilian market. With 14 years of experience in the in vitro diagnostics industry, the company is recognized for its strong emphasis on Research and Development, molecular biology services and a wide range of products, totaling more than 600 offerings.

During the visit, the Bioperfectus delegation was introduced to the industrial panorama of Mato Grosso. Fiemt highlighted the challenges, opportunities and benefits for local industries, with an emphasis on the Cáceres Export Processing Zone (EPZ).

(Source: Fiemt's official website, on June 13)