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Chinese giant Temu seeks to enter Brazil with e-commerce platform
Release time:2024-05-21
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Temu, which operates Pinduoduo's international e-commerce and is China's third largest digital services platform, is seeking certification from the Federal Revenue Service to join the Remessa Conforme program. This program allows companies to import goods worth up to US$50 without incurring the 60% import tax, as well as facilitating customs clearance.

In addition, if the application is accepted, the program will also allow the company to pay the 17% ICMS (Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services) on purchases of any value.

Pinduoduo is among the largest e-commerce platforms in China, second only to Alibaba in terms of sales in the Chinese market, which already operates in Brazil. The company's success is due to a combination of extremely low prices and a strong social media presence. 

The company's move to enter the Brazilian e-commerce market comes as it applies to join the Remessa Conforme program. In force since August 2023, this Ministry of Finance program operates through voluntary adhesion by participating companies, allowing exemption from Import Tax for purchases of up to US$ 50, which was previously 60%.

(Source: Meio News, on May 14)