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China-Africa Economic and Trade Exhibition: Mozambique Explores Investment Opportunities at Forum
Release time:2024-05-17
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The Instituto de Cereais de Moçambique (ICM) attended the 4th China-Africa Economic and Trade Exhibition (CAETE), which took place in Kenya on May 9th. This event, the first large-scale one promoted by China in Africa, was held under the slogan "Joining hands for a better future". The exhibition brought together exhibitors from various sectors, such as construction, machinery and equipment, trade, logistics, medicines, food products and agriculture.

During the event, ICM highlighted the diversity and quality of Mozambican cereals, oilseeds and pulses, with the aim of expanding market opportunities and increasing national exports. Participation in CAETE was seen as a strategic platform for building lasting partnerships between Mozambican and Chinese entrepreneurs, thus contributing to mutual development in key economic areas.

Mozambique, taking advantage of its privileged geographical position, acts as a crucial logistical gateway to the hinterland of the Southern African region, covering a market of more than 380 million consumers.

(Source: DE Diário, on May 13)