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Chinese Immigrant Day to be celebrated on Thursday in Campinas
Release time:2023-08-16
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The "Chinese Immigrant Day" will be celebrated on the 17th of August at the City Hall of Campinas, Brazil. The ceremony will be held by the Secretariat of Economic Development, Technology and Innovation, through the Department of International Cooperation and in partnership with the Brazil-China Alliance of Campinas, and will feature cultural attractions and tributes.

The event aims to value the contribution of the Chinese community to the municipality of Campinas. The commemorative date was instituted by Municipal Law No. 15,643, of July 3, 2018, which has become part of the city's official calendar of dates and events.

The municipal secretary for Economic Development, Technology and Innovation, Adriana Flosi, highlights the contribution of the Chinese immigrant in the development of the city. "China is an economic power and Campinas values this reference to be even more protagonist in several segments," she said.

(Source: Hora Campinas)