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China sends the first train of the new Metro line to Brazil
Release time:2024-05-02
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On April 27, the automaker BYD carried out the formal delivery of the first unit of 14 ordered to equip Line 17-Gold of the São Paulo subway on April 27th, in the Guang'an industrial park, in Sichuan province, southwest China.

The monorail connecting Congonhas Airport to Morumbi, initially expected for 2013, is now scheduled for 2026. The first unit will be sent to the Port of Santos, expected to arrive in July, to be used in tests.

The president of the São Paulo Metro, Julio Castiglioni, said in Guang'an that this is the first step in a long-term partnership, stressing that it is BYD's first monorail project outside of China. BYD Group Vice President Ren Lin said that BYD attaches great importance to this cooperation project with Brazil and hopes to continue working together.

(Source: O Tempo, on April 29)