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Chinese medical team holds a first aid training session at the University of Santiago
Release time:2024-05-02
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The 20th Chinese Medical Team in Cape Verde was on April 26th at the Praia Campus of the University of Santiago for the fifth edition of the series of public welfare activities called “The popularization of medical science in schools • Protecting life while we grow.”

The event was aimed at the university's nursing students, with significant participation from residents of the city of Assomada.

Dr. Lan Yunping, Chief of the Chinese Medical Team and specialist in intensive care medicine, led the session alongside Dr. Liu Yu, a specialist in anesthesia. The program included lectures on cardiac arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as well as practical training on how to perform the Heimlich maneuver in cases of asphyxia.

From University of Santiago, Prof. Célia Afonso highlighted the importance of the event that provided students with experiences. The person in charge also expressed the desire to continue the partnership with the Chinese medical team for future training.

(Source: A Nação, on April 26)