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Space centre offers master's and doctoral scholarships in China
Release time:2024-01-11
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The Regional Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific (RCSSTEAP - China) is offering Brazilian students up to three scholarships for Master's or Doctoral studies at Beihang University, starting in September 2024.

The areas covered by the Master's Programme on Space Technology Applicatons (MASTA) and the Doctoral Programme on Space Technology Applicatons (DOCSTA) are Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Systems (RS&GIS), Micro-satellite Technology, Space Law and Policy and Space Project Management.

Those interested will be pre-selected by the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), and the final selection will be made by RCSSTEAP and Beihang University. The course has an estimated duration of 2 years for the Master's degree (MASTA), and 4 years for the Doctorate (DOCSTA).

(Source: Mundo GEO)