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China largest importer of Brazilian farm products in 2014
Release time:2015-01-23
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China was the biggest importer of agricultural and livestock products from Brazil in 2014, according to data from the Foreign Trade Statistics System of the Brazilian Agribusiness (Agrostat).

The United States came second in the list, followed by the Netherlands, Russia and Germany. In total, the five countries imported agricultural and livestock products from Brazil worth US$42.32 billion in 2014, about 43.7 percent of the total.

China, with a total of US$22.07 billion worth of imports, topped the list, with soy products – beans, bran and oil – accounting for US$17.01 billion.

The figures from Agrosat, of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, showed the United States imported Brazilian farm products worth US$7 billion last year.

The Netherlands came third, with imports reaching US$6.13 billion, Russia was fourth with US$3.65 billion and Germany was in fifth place with US$3.48 billion.