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In 2024, China and Brazil will celebrate half a century of diplomatic relations
Release time:2023-12-13
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“We will accelerate cultural and scientific exchange, strengthen and develop common interests, forming a social basis for the deepening of Sino-Brazilian relations, which, in 2024, will reach their 50th anniversary”, highlights ambassador Zhu Qingqiao within the program “Dialogues for new future”, in which the Chinese agency Xinhua interviewed the Chinese ambassador in two parts.

“In our view, relations between Brazil and China correspond to the strategic interests of both peoples at a time when humanity is moving towards a new era of cooperation and cooperative development for the people of the planet," stated Ambassador Zhu Quingqiao.

“China and Brazil have common positions on international issues. Since the emergence of the BRICs, we have strengthened development to relate based on the common interests of both peoples”, emphasized the ambassador.

(Source: Hora do Povo)