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Minas Gerais government signs partnership with Huawei to train teachers
Release time:2023-11-14
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The Government of Minas Gerais has signed a partnership with Chinese technology giant Huawei for the technological training of 70,000 teachers from the state's public education network. According to the state government, this is the largest training programme carried out by the Chinese company in the world.

The teachers will be trained in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), with the aim of replicating the knowledge in the classroom, impacting 1.3 million students. The aim is for students to advance their knowledge of the digital world and leave school better prepared for the labour market. The company will also install wi-fi internet systems in 2,000 schools in Minas Gerais.

The agreement was signed in Shanghai, China, where Governor Romeu Zema is fulfilling a series of commitments to close partnerships and attract investment to Minas Gerais.

(Source: Itatiaia)