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Education strengthens the relationship between Portugal and China
Release time:2023-11-08
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The mayor of Setúbal, André Martins, said on 2 November, at the opening of the Sino-Portuguese Forum on Cooperation and Development in Vocational and Higher Education, that partnerships around education are evidence of the strengthening of the relationship between Portugal and China.

In the view of the mayor of Setúbal, partnerships between educational institutions in Portugal and China have enabled the exchange of knowledge, best practices and cutting-edge technologies, which benefits the students involved, but also the industries and economies of both countries.

"Portugal has a long tradition of quality higher education, while China is known for its innovation and determination," said André Martins, praising the presence of Oficina Lu Ban in Portugal, in this case Setúbal. "A living testimony to the sharing of knowledge and tradition."

(Source: Setúbal City Council Official Website)