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Governor of Piauí seeks partnerships with CCCC for Intermodal project
Release time:2023-10-26
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The governor of Piauí, Rafael Fonteles, presented an agenda with representatives of the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), and its subsidiary, China Communication Trading & Supply Co. Ltda. (CCTSC), a project that aims to build an intermodal to connect the Cerrado region to the coast of Piauí. The undertaking, according to him, aims to speed up the flow of state production and benefit other sectors.

At the time, Fonteles argued that studies would be completed by the beginning of 2024 and, thus, would make the development of the project viable. According to him, Intermodal in Piauí has planned investments of around US$ 1 billion, approximately 5 billion reais.

Furthermore, the governor highlighted that Piauí has advantages that can boost the local economy. “We are large producers of soybeans, corn and cotton, in addition to having large reserves of iron and nickel that have already begun to be explored,” he reported.

(Source: Portal O Dial)