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Chinese Embassy in Guinea-Bissau holds Seminar on Building the Community of Shared Future for Humanity and the Three Global Initiatives
Release time:2023-10-24
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At the opening of the Seminar on Building the Community of Shared Future for Humanity and the Three Global Initiatives Proposed by China, held on October 18, the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Guinea-Bissau, Guo Ce, expressed China's interest in cooperating with the country in the various fields, stressing that the seminar will deepen the participants' understanding of the vision of building the community of shared future for humanity and the three global initiatives proposed by China.

The Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research, Braima Sanhá, recalled the support that China has provided to the social area, namely education and health, with emphasis on assistance to the School Feeding Program, which has guaranteed a hot meal for children in the country. 

In addition, the ambassador hopes that next year cashew nuts will be exported to that Asian country.

(Source: O Democrata GB)