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IPIM mustering Macao exhibitors for expo in Shanghai
Release time:2021-03-03
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The Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute (IPIM) says it is taking applications by Macao businesses wishing to exhibit at the fourth China International Import Expo, to be held in Shanghai from October 5 to 10.

IPIM issued on Tuesday a written statement saying enterprises that do business with the Portuguese-speaking world, either by selling food made there or by facilitating Chinese economic engagement with it, must apply by April 2.

IPIM says it intends once again to set up two Macao pavilions at the expo, one for sellers of food and the other for enterprises offering translation, legal or accounting services.

At the expo last year, the two Macao pavilions together took up 660 square metres of floor space, and over 40 Macao businesses used them, IPIM says.