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University of Macau a venue for conference on plants
Release time:2021-06-02
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The University of Macau and Shaanxi University of Technology jointly put on the International Conference on Medicinal and Food Plant Research and the Third Sino-Community of Portuguese Language Countries Symposium on Natural Products and Biodiversity Resources, the University of Macau says.

The universities held the conference recently in collaboration with the University of Minho in Portugal, the Macau Pharmacology Association, and the Consortium of Belt and Road and Portuguese-speaking Countries for Natural Medicine Innovation (Macao), according to a written statement issued by the University of Macau on Monday.

The university says about 300 academics around the world, some in Brazil and Portugal, attended either online, or physically in Shaanxi or Macao.

In Brazil, University of São Paulo Professor Norberto Peporine Lopes reported his latest findings about small molecules while, in Portugal, University of Minho Professor Alberto Dias spoke about the use of medicinal plants, the University of Macau says.