The Prime Box Brazil television channel aired a Chinese film, “Beginning of the Great Revival”, to open a season of Chinese programming in Brazil, China Global Television Network (CGTN) reports.
The Chinese state-run network says the owner of the channel, Box Brazil Group, and state-run China Media Group have got together to air the first big season of Chinese television programmes and films, fictional and documentary, to be shown by Brazilian mainstream media.
The report says the season opened on Tuesday and will close next February.
On the schedule are showings of the movie “Kids of Wuzhumuqin Town”; the documentaries “China Reinvents Itself” and “By the Lalin Riverside: Land of Hope”; and the television series “Perfect Youth”, “Tribes and Empires: Storm of Prophecy” and “Swan Dive for Love”, the report says.
The season will inform Brazilians about China past and present, CGTN quotes Box Brazil Group President Cícero Aragon as saying.