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Scores attend IPIM Investment promotion seminar in Shanghai
Release time:2021-11-09
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Nearly 120 officials and businesspeople attended an investment promotion seminar in Shanghai which was meant to serve the purpose of Macao as a place where China and the Portuguese-speaking world can do business, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, or IPIM, says.

The institute issued a written statement saying the seminar focused in particular on financial and legal services.

IPIM, the Monetary Authority of Macao, the Council for the Promotion of International Trade Shanghai, the Macao Association of Banks, the Macao Lawyers Association, and China-Portuguese Speaking Countries Investment Management Co. Ltd jointly put on the seminar, according to the statement.

The seminar, held last Saturday, was an aspect of the 4th China International Import Expo, IPIM says.

It says 72 business-matching sessions were held, and samples of wines from the lusophone world were offered for tasting.

Macao will actively help mainland Chinese enterprises to do business abroad and, in particular, to venture into lusophone markets, the IPIM statement quotes Shanghai Municipal Government Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Deputy Director Zhou Yajun as saying.