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IPIM fields inquiries from lusophone world on Hengqin
Release time:2022-02-15
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The Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, or IPIM, received last year 110 enquiries by 75 enterprises about the economic nexus of China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries, the Macao Daily says, citing IPIM President Lau Wai Meng.

Mr Lau said in an interview that, separately, the IPIM China and Portuguese-Speaking Countries Business Compass, which advises and redirects businesses, had received last year 134 enquiries about the Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone on the island of Hengqin, which abuts Macao, the newspaper reported on Friday.

Mr Lau said IPIM would keep promoting food and other goods produced in the lusophone world, at events such as Macao Week in mainland China.

IPIM will work with others online and offline to advertise opportunities to invest in Portuguese-speaking Countries, and the services of Macao professionals bilingual in Chinese and Portuguese, the Macao Daily quotes Mr Lau as saying.