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Cape Verde ranked second in Africa’s governance index
Release time:2016-07-06
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Cape Verde is ranked second in Africa for the quality of its governance according to an index compiled by the World Bank, local newspaper A Semana reported last week.

The African nation scored on average 3.8 out of 6 in the 2015 Africa Country Policy and Institution Assessment published that week by the international financial institution.

The study assesses the quality of policy and the institutional progress of those African nations surveyed. It covers four areas, ranging from: economic management and structural policies; to policies for social inclusion and equity; and public sector management and institutions, the World Bank said.

Mozambique was 11th with an average score of 3.5 while Guinea Bissau ranked 35th with a mark of 2.5, A Semana reported.

The governance assessment looks at 38 African countries that are eligible for support from the financing arm of the World Bank. Rwanda headed the 2015 list with a score of 4.