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China buys 35.2 million tonnes of Brazilian soybeans in 2022
Release time:2022-07-25
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According to data from the Ministry of Economy’s Foreign Trade Secretariat (Secex), China imported 35.211 million tonnes of Brazilian soybeans from January to June 2022. The volume is 12% lower than the 39.799 million tonnes imported in 2021. The country is the biggest buyer of the Brazilian oilseed.

Spain came in second, falling behind China with 2.42 million tonnes of Brazilian soybeans imported, a 7% increase over the same period last year. The Netherlands ranks third with 1.689 million tonnes, a 20% decrease year on year.

In general, Brazilian exports of soybeans totaled 53.071 million tonnes in 2022. Soybean shipments from Mato Grosso totaled 20.117 million tonnes until June. Such a volume is 1% higher than that exported by the state in the same period of 2021, corresponding to 37.91% of Brazilian exports in 2022.