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Rehabilitation works in the city of Sumbe will end in February 2024
Release time:2023-04-04
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The work of rehabilitation of the city of Sumbe, in Cuanza Sul province, will end in February 2024, the head of the China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC), Pedro Costa said on the 27th of March.

Budgeted at over $460 million, the Sumbe Integrated Infrastructure Development Project includes the construction of 1,816 homes (1,260 two-bedroom and 556 three-bedroom), rehabilitation of the city’s technical networks (water, power, waste treatment plant, pavements) and reinforcement of unstable slopes, where hundreds of people currently live.

The program also includes drainage work, reconstruction of 13 kilometers of streets and renewal of public lighting and telecommunications networks.

According to the head of the company which carries out the project, in the press statement at the visit by the provincial governor, Pedro Capapinha, to the rehabilitation work in the city of Sumbe, work is running smoothly, giving assurances that the project will be concluded in February 2024.

(Source: Angop)