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Guangdong Provincial Tax Service launches guides for investors in Portuguese-speaking countries
Release time:2023-04-19
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According to the official newspaper Nanfang Daily, the Guangdong Provincial Tax Service launched on the 13th of April the first series of tax guides for investment in Portuguese-speaking countries.

The documents include information on the economy, the business environment, tax policies, the tax collection and management system and bilateral tax agreements in force in the three countries, covering Portugal, Mozambique and Cabo Verde.

The documents were published by the Taxation Cooperation Office for Portuguese-Speaking Countries & Regions, created in April 2022 in the Deep Cooperation Zone between Guangdong and Macau, in Hengqin, adjacent to Macau.

The goal is to provide references and guidance to companies in the process of becoming global, said Yuan Hongbing, the Office’s head, during the presentation of the guides. 

(Source: TSF)