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MCom develops new digital inclusion actions in Brazil
Release time:2023-05-17
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Brazil’s Ministry of Communications (MCom) is working on new strategies to accelerate digital inclusion in public sector schools in Brazil. Last week, Minister Juscelino Filho met with representatives of Huawei to discuss actions that should accelerate the expansion of new internet technologies in the country.

During the meeting, among the subjects discussed, Huawei presented ideas to expand the coverage and quality of the 5G signal in Brazil and strategies to expand connectivity in public schools and health centers across the country. Huawei highlighted the work carried out in partnership with the Government of Bahia, which resulted in the connection of 1,000 schools and the promotion of smart education.

According to MCom, the meeting with representatives of the telecommunications giant is the fruit of the partnership with the Chinese government signed during a visit by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s entourage. The agreement between both governments is aimed at developing technologies and exchanging communication content between Brazil and China.

(Source: TudoCelular)