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China donates 1,042 tons of rice to Cabo Verde
Release time:2023-05-30
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Cape Verde will distribute 1,042 tons of rice donated by China for free to social and health institutions, which will arrive this month, to mitigate the effects of rising prices, according to a resolution approved by the Council of Ministers.

“Considering the unpredictability of the factors that have been conditioning the economic access to food by families, the Government continued to implement mitigation measures and mobilize support from international partners. In this context, the Government, under the Cooperation Agreements, received from the Government of the People’s Republic of China a food aid of thousand and forty-two tons of rice, to strengthen the supply of basic food products, with arrival scheduled for the end of May this year,” writes the resolution.

Of the total donation, 302 tons of rice will be delivered to old people’s homes, 340 tons to hospitals and health centers and 400 to civil society organizations and institutions of social nature.

(Source: Lusa)