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Chinese company is praised in Angola for donating a rural school
Release time:2023-07-12
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On the 5th of July, the construction began on a primary school donated by the Chinese company Sinohydro in the rural area of Xangongo, in the Angolan province of Cunene.

The school, named “Eko” in honor of the community, is expected to be completed by the end of this year. It will have 12 classrooms and will be able to accommodate 840 students.

During a ceremony to mark the construction graduation ceremony, Angola’s Minister of Energy and Water, João Borges, thanked the Chinese company for the socially responsible initiative. He emphasized the importance of the project in improving the living conditions of the local population and promoting educational inclusion.

In an interview with Xinhua, Gerdina Didalelwa, governor of Cunene province, underlined the importance of continuing the partnership with China in promoting sustainable development and reducing poverty in Angola.

(Source:People’s Daily)