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East Timor swears in Rui Araujo as new Prime Minister
Release time:2015-02-17
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East Timor has sworn in a new Prime Minister after former leader Xanana Gusmão resigned earlier this month.

Rui Araujo, a former Health Minister, took the oath of office on Monday along with 37 cabinet members.

The new Prime Minister promised his administration would put the interests of the people ahead of political differences. “We can do better by working together,” Dr Araujo said in his inaugural speech.

He added that accountability and better service delivery would be key priorities of his administration.

Mr Gusmão stepped down two weeks ago to allow for a younger generation to lead the country. The former Prime Minister does however remain in Government as Minister of Planning and Strategic Investment.

The cabinet has been trimmed from 55 members in a bid to save money and improve efficiency, as previously announced.