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Chinese group specializing in infrastructure is interested in investing in Brazil's Paraná
Release time:2023-08-30
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The horizon of works planned for Paraná over the next few years, which includes the package of road concessions, Nova Ferroeste and public-private partnerships for the sanitation area, have entered the radar of CRCC, a Chinese company specializing in infrastructure that was once considered one of the largest engineering and construction companies in the world.

On the 23rd of August, during the Paraná in Focus event in São Paulo, Governor Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior met with representatives of the group in Latin America, who showed interest in investing in Paraná. CRCC already has projects in the country and wants to expand its participation in Brazil.

Ratinho Junior pointed out that Paraná has become a calling card for those looking to invest in Brazil. The road concessions program, for example, includes 3,300 kilometers of state and federal highways and is expected to receive R$50 billion in investments. 

(Source: Agência Estadual de Notícias)