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BCX and Alibaba launch cloud processing platform
Release time:2024-06-12
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Mozambican technology company BCX and Chinese technology giant Alibaba have jointly launched a cloud processing platform to provide various services, including databases.

“In partnership with Alibaba, we bring cloud processing capacity (storing, maintaining and accessing data on a network of remote servers via the internet) here in Mozambique,” said Emílio Jorge, general director of BCX in Mozambique, on the sidelines of the conference MOZTECH.

Emílio Jorge considered the partnership with Alibaba to be an added value because “the Chinese multinational is highly regarded as a giant in cloud processing. Alibaba is the third provider equipped with cloud services," he highlighted.

Without specifying the amounts involved, Emílio Jorge stressed that the project involved the mobilization of a significant investment.

(Source: Forbes Lusophone Africa, on June 7)