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Chinese company invests in cotton production in Angola
Release time:2024-06-03
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The Chinese company Y.A.N Internacional will invest a total of 983.6 million dollars in cotton production, in addition to wheat and corn, and plans to create 10 thousand jobs.

According to a note from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the project envisages implementation in an area of 100 thousand hectares, with the cotton planting area being 66 thousand hectares, in the first phase.

In addition to cotton, the project also includes the production of wheat and corn in an area of 34 thousand hectares. In the experimental phase, 5,000 hectares of cotton and 2,000 hectares will be cultivated for wheat and corn production.

To reach the levels proposed for investment, the multinational will rely on a business model that is based on a large-scale, mechanized, standardized production system with cutting-edge technology and very high performance, the note states.

The project could boost the development of cotton production in the country and contribute to the diversification of the economy, and increased foreign exchange earnings.

(Source: Jornal de Angola, on May 30)