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ZTE announces partnership with Telecab to launch 4K set-top box in Brazil
Release time:2024-04-03
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Brazilian provider Telecab, based in Rio Grande do Norte, has signed an agreement with Chinese equipment manufacturer ZTE to launch a set top box with Android TV and support for 4K resolution in the country.

As announced by ZTE, "the B866V2FA commercial set-top box represents a significant milestone in their joint efforts to win the Brazilian market".

Telecab offers pay TV and fixed broadband services. And according to the Chinese manufacturer, "the current set-top boxes, hampered by outdated hardware and a legacy Android operating system, are unable to meet the growing needs of Telecab's pay-TV business".

The equipment, according to the company, will allow Telecab to integrate popular streaming services such as YouTube, Netflix and Prime Video, as well as pre-integrated network management features, "enabling Telecab to efficiently manage the set-top boxes through third-party network management or ZTE's SMP platform".

(Source: Convergência Digital, on April 1)