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Chinese businesswoman builds luxury tourism in Ribeira Grande
Release time:2024-02-19
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According to Açoriano Oriental, a Chinese businesswoman, she will build a luxury tourist development with 19 villas next to Praia de Santa Bárbara, in Ribeira Grande, in São Miguel. The project represents an investment of 15 to 20 million euros.

The project owner had donated 4.6 million euros in medical equipment to Portugal during the pandemic. According to the publication, the businesswoman has already invested millions in luxury real estate, with a large part of her business in Hong Kong.

The hotel unit will be built over a plot of land measuring around 100 thousand square meters, and the licensing process has been advanced at the Ribeira Grande City Council.

The development, with 140 beds, a swimming pool, spa and restaurants, is expected to open its doors in 2026.

(Source: Idealista, on February 15)