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Chinese community in Rio donates food and toys to charities
Release time:2023-12-27
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On the 16th of December, the Chinese community in Rio de Janeiro held a charity event entitled "Giving Roses, Leaving Fragrances in Hands". The ceremony was marked by donations from the 88 engaged Chinese members in the state of Rio.

On the occasion, 800 food baskets, 300 boxes of chocolates, toys and other essential items were donated to 25 beneficiary units in the city of Rio. The recipients of these donations were predominantly notable charities such as the Rio Blind Welfare Home, the Education Centre for Children with Disabilities, the Relief Centre for Children with Cancer and the Homes for the Elderly.

Mr Julio, head of the Children's Education Centre for the Disabled, expressed his deep gratitude to the Chinese community for their generous gestures. In gratitude, he pointed out that, in the midst of the New Year celebrations, the children at the Centre are extremely happy to receive gifts from their Chinese friends. He expressed the hope that the friendship between Brazil and China will be perpetuated from generation to generation.

(Source: Tupi)