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Goiás delegation visits city of Xiong'an
Release time:2023-11-16
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The city of Xiong'an was the destination of the Goiás delegation led by Governor Ronaldo Caiado on 11 November in China. The group accepted an invitation to a welcoming ceremony offered by the government of Hebei province, where the metropolis is located, in return for a visit by the Chinese to Goiás last month. Talks are expected to continue over the next few days, with the aim of establishing partnerships with local universities and companies.

"We would very much like to move forward with our agreements and partnerships in the area of education, research, innovation, technology and artificial intelligence and give young people from Goiás the opportunity to spend time here," said the Chief Executive.

The response was positive. In a speech, the vice-governor of Hebei, Jin Hui, emphasised that development and cooperation for mutual benefit are Hebei's focus and should gain new momentum from now on, with closer relations. 

(Source: Official website of the State Secretariat of the Civil House of Goiás)