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Line 2-Green Tunneling Machine is being assembled at the Rapadura Complex in São Paulo
Release time:2023-08-03
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The largest tunnel boring machine ever ordered in Latin America is starting to take shape at the bottom of the Rapadura Complex trench, in São Paulo. The equipment manufactured by the company CREG will excavate around 8 km of tunnels from the extension of Line 2-Green to Penha.

According to Metrô reports, the goal is to start excavating the tunnels by the end of this year. The tunneling machine will continue towards Vila Prudente until it reaches the VSE Giani Falchini. There, the machine will be dismantled and transported to Vala Penha where it will then be prepared for the second stage of excavations. With 11.66 meters in diameter, the TBM (Tunnel Bore Machine) is the largest ever used in Brazil.

The extension of Line 2-Green to Penha is expected to be delivered in 2026.

(Source: Metro CPTM)