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Lula visits Huawei research center in Shanghai
Release time:2023-04-17
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On the 13th of April, the President Lula da Silva visited the research and development center of the technology company Huawei in Shanghai, which has operated in Brazil for 25 years.

“I visited Huawei’s technology development center. The company gave a presentation on 5G and solutions in telemedicine, education and connectivity. A very strong investment in research and innovation”, wrote the president in a publication on social networks.

In a statement, the president informed that Huawei reinforced its commitment to work in a long-term perspective for the sustainable development of Brazil, in partnerships focused on connectivity, digital inclusion, education, health and reindustrialization.

The trip to China is Lula’s fourth international visit since taking office in this third term. The president has already been to Argentina, Uruguay and the United States. She also received, in Brasilia, the Prime Minister of Germany, Olaf Scholz, at the end of January.

(Source: Agencia Brasil)