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14th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries Concludes Successfully
Release time:2022-12-23
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The 14th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, hosted by the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, came to a successful conclusion. The series of activities of the Cultural Week have further promoted cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, enhanced mutual understanding among Macao, mainland China, and Portuguese-speaking countries, and cemented their friendship.

These series of activities were held both online and offline again this year. Its website has attracted a total of more than 35,000 views while its booths and art exhibition on-site have attracted over 3,000 visitors.

The series of activities of the Cultural Week also provided university students majoring in Chinese-Portuguese translation with valuable internship opportunities. More than 50 students volunteered as tour guides and interpreters for the on-site activities of the Cultural Week. In addition, many schools in Macao arranged for teachers and students to visit the booths and the exhibition of the Cultural Week to learn about the diversified and distinctive cultures of China and Portuguese-speaking countries. The participating students said that joining and visiting the series of activities and the exhibition have enriched their understanding of the cultures of Portuguese-speaking countries, stirred up their interest in learning, and benefited them a lot with fruitful experience.

The themed website for the Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries is still available. All are welcome to visit to take a look at its brilliant activities.