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12th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries: Five Theatre Performances Showcase National Cultures
Release time:2020-10-16
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The online programmes will start on October 22 for the 12th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, an event organised by the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese Speaking Countries (Macao). Video recordings of five dramas performed by theatre groups hailing respectively from Macao and from Portuguese-speaking Countries will be posted on the Cultural Week’s website. The artistic expression of the acting and language in each work will allow online audiences to experience the diverse cultures of China and of Portuguese-speaking Countries.

Horizonte Njinga Mbande, from Angola, will perform the drama “O Regressado” built on the premise that “evil cannot overcome good”. Two other works – “Autumn: News of a Bare Afternoon” by Vinicius Piedade, from Brazil; and “Sandra” by Companhia 50 Pessoa, from Cabo Verde – respectively highlight the difficulties women face in society and look at those who attempt to break through traditional gender roles.

Amid the ongoing pandemic, “Flexa Divina” a drama by Ussoforal, from Guinea-Bissau, shows how people are facing its challenges. “Alguém do Foragidos do Pântano” by Hiu Koc Theatre, from Macao, incorporates elements of acting, playing of percussion instruments, clowning and acrobatics, in a satirical show.

These five dramas showcase the characteristics of the theatre of various countries and regions. Starting from October 22, the recordings of the plays can be viewed and enjoyed via the 12th Cultural Week of China and Portuguese-speaking Countries’ website (