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Chinese-built hospital expansion in Angola completed
Release time:2015-03-02
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A China-backed expansion project of a general hospital in Luanda, Angola’s capital, was completed last week and taken over by the Angolan Government.

The Chinese Embassy in Angola said in a statement over the weekend that the floor area of the hospital was now three times bigger than before the expansion, at 22,000 square metres. The facility can now accommodate 800 patients.

Representatives from both countries, led by Chinese Ambassador to Angola Gao Kexiang and Graciano Francisco Domingos, Governor of Luanda, attended a ceremony on February 26 marking the completion of the two-year project. The two officials also inked a document to officially hand over the project to the Angolan Government.

The Chinese Government will regularly send staff to maintain the property, Mr Gao was quoted saying. “China also plans to strengthen the cooperation with Angola on the training of medical staff, facilitating the development of the medical industry in Angola,” he added.

Mr Domingos was quoted saying the expansion of the hospital was “another masterpiece of the China-Angola cooperation”.