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Chinese businessmen want to expand business with Santa Catarina
Release time:2024-07-08
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The Federation of Industries of the State of Santa Catarina (FIESC) received a Chinese delegation from the province of Shanxi, made up of businesspeople from segments such as machinery and equipment, civil construction, engineering and steel.

At the meeting, businessmen from Santa Catarina and China discussed the expansion of bilateral trade.

China is the second main destination for Santa Catarina's exports. Last year, the state sold US$1.68 billion to the Asian country.

At the meeting, a memorandum of understanding was also signed between the Geological Prospecting Bureau of Shanxi Province and the Brazilian Geological Survey.

“We have the most diversified industry in Brazil and export many manufactured products. We have a strong international trade culture and a reference port infrastructure," said the president of FIESC, Mario Cezar de Aguiar.

(Source: Noticenter, on July 5)