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Chinese companies donate to Rio Grande do Sul
Release time:2024-05-23
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The donation ceremony for Chinese companies to Rio Grande do Sul was held on May 17 with the participation of the state government, the Chinese Consulate General and the Brazilian Association of Chinese Companies (Abec). Throughout the event, which took place in hybrid form, the Chinese who were at the Brazilian headquarters of the Bank of China in São Paulo expressed solidarity and reaffirmed their confidence in the recovery of the people of Rio Grande do Sul.

Deputy Governor Gabriel Souza thanked China and the Chinese community in Brazil for their support, stressing that the state appreciates the welcome of the Asian giant, one of Rio Grande do Sul's main trading partners. 

"By 16 May, more than 20 companies had contributed, generating almost R$7 million in materials and financial donations," said Zhang Guanghua, president of the Brazilian Association of Chinese Companies, Abec. He stressed that items such as clothes, food, basic necessities, tents and electrical equipment were also collected.

(Source: Official website of the Civil Defense of Rio Grande do Sul, on May 17)